The Importance of Regular Dental Visits

Routine dental care is a significant part of a good oral health. There are millions and millions of harmful particles that try to sneak into our mouth with food and carbonated beverages. Our duty is to make sure we kick out the bad bacteria and…

Routine dental care is a significant part of a good oral health. There are millions and millions of harmful particles that try to sneak into our mouth with food and carbonated beverages. Our duty is to make sure we kick out the bad bacteria and keep in the good one. 

Dental cleaning is an excellent step toward a good oral hygiene and preventive periodontal therapy. Doral Sedation and Family Dentistry has highly trained, board certified staff who will take care of you throughout the entire process. They will examine your head, your neck, your jaw and lymph nodes to diagnose any diseases at a very early stage. 

Typically, dental check-ups are scheduled every four to six months to make sure that your teeth and gums are in good shape. During the visit your dentist checks for anything out of the ordinary that could indicate early signs of tumorous formation or an illness such as:

  • Oral cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Vitamin definiteness

Then, your dentist thoroughly inspects your mouth for the signs of the following oral conditions:

  • Symptoms of gum disease
  • Loose teeth
  • Contact between teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Shifts in gum tooth coverage
  • Damaged fillings
  • Bite
  • Tongue
  • Tooth decay

After the precautionary exams and scanning, your dental doctor will start preparing for the actual cleaning procedure. The process is done in 3 steps: plaque removal, flossing and polishing your teeth. One of the most important parts of the routine cleaning is removing plaque and tartar that builds up on the inner and outer sides of your teeth causing them to turn yellow or even brown. When food or drink residue sits on the surface of the tooth for too long, it turns into a plaque. If plaque is not removed, it can turn into decay or cause gum disease. 

Once the teeth are thoroughly cleaned, your dentist reviews with you flossing techniques. Flossing does much more than just removing stubborn food from between the teeth. It releases bacteria wedged in between the teeth and below the surface of the gums. It also massages the gum line to help strengthen this part of the mouth. Have you ever seen your gums bleed while you were flossing? This is a natural reaction to irregular flossing. The more you floss, the stronger your gums become and able to withstand the irritation. 

Finally, your dentist in Doral will review the oral exam results and x-rays if previously taken. You will learn more about the importance of dental care and get personal recommendations about products for your daily oral hygiene. 

Routine visits to the dentist are imperative to your well-being. Be sure to take all of the suggestions on board or call us if you have any questions!