
Dentures: Types, Benefits, and Repairs
Dentures are a common solution for people who have lost their teeth. They assist with chewing, speaking, and smiling. Many
Top 10 Signs that You Should Consider Oral Sedation Dentistry
Feeling nervous or anxious before dental appointments is common. Many find their hearts racing and palms sweating with the thought
Carillas dentales para una sonrisa de ensueño
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo consiguen los artistas de televisión y el cine tener una dentadura tan perfecta? La
Can You Brush Your Teeth Too Much?
Everything is best in moderation, including brushing your teeth. Oral hygiene diligence is important to a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile,
Todo Lo Que Debería Saber Sobre Los Dientes Impactados
Hoy en día los problemas con los dientes impactados son cada vez más frecuentes. Si usted no lo sabía,se trata
Improve Your Smile with Dentures and Regain the Joy of Eating
Are you tired of hiding your smile? Do you avoid social situations because of missing or damaged teeth? If so,
9 Reasons to Choose Porcelain Veneers for a Better Smile
Have you ever looked at someone with a dazzling smile and wished yours looked that way too? Maybe you have
¿Qué Hacer Cuando Una Corona Dental SE Cae?
Las coronas dentales representan complementos artificiales que se colocan en sus dientes naturales con el objetivo de restaurar su forma
Foods That Strengthen Kids’ Teeth
Young ones can’t resist sugar and sweets. Once they first try chocolate, it seems every other type of food becomes
What Is a Lava Crown, and What Are Its Benefits?
LAVA crowns are one of the available tools in dentistry today, built from a very special material – LAVA Zirconia.
¿Cuánto Dura Un Relleno Dental?
El objetivo de cada dentista es reparar un diente dañado y enfermo con un material que proporcione una forma natural
What Are Dental Inlays and Onlays?
Preserving teeth is a constant task for everyone: brushing, flossing, avoiding food that can cause damage to the teeth and visiting your dentist
Salud Bucodental Durante El Invierno
Durante el invierno nuestros dientes son más sensibles que durante el resto del año, tanto por bajas temperaturas, como por
What to Do About Loose Braces?
If you are sporting braces, chances are you’ve encountered at least some of the problems with loose wires or brackets.
La Importancia Del Fluoro Para Sus Dientes
El esmalte dental es la envoltura externa del diente, compuesto por cristales minerales que con el tiempo se pierden en
¿Cómo Elegir El Dentista Perfecto?
A todos nosotros nos gusta ver dientes blancos y sanos, ya que estos representan el adorno principal de cada sonrisa.
What Vitamins Are Good for Healthy Gums?
An optimal intake of nutrients is necessary for good health. Vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients are driving many functions that
Should I Stop Flossing If My Gums Bleed?
Our doctors at Doral Sedation & Family Dentistry will gladly help with all questions and queries regarding dental health. One
¿a Quién SE Recomiendan Los Cepillos Interdentales?
El mantenimiento diario de la higiene bucal implica cepillarse los dientes al menos dos veces al día con un cepillo
¿Cómo salvar los dientes de su extracción?
Cuando un diente empieza a doler, la mayoría de las personas evita visitar al dentista debido a su miedo de
Understanding Dental Teeth Numbering Chart
Sitting in a dentist’s chair is never a very relaxing experience, and a lot of people find it isn’t helped
Trastornos DE Articulación Temporomandibular
Alguna vez ha sentido algo muy parecido a un espasmo en la parte posterior de su mandíbula? Si la respuesta
What is Dental Scaling?
Dental scaling is a routine procedure that is used to help those with an excessive plaque or gum disease. It
What are Dentures?
Most people think dental dentures are false teeth, but they’re not! Dentures actually refer to the plate that fits into your mouth
Higiene Adecuada de Puentes Y Coronas Dentales
La higiene dental es una de los factores imprescindibles para la salud dental. Por desgracia, mucha gente piensa que, después
Todo Lo Que Debe Saber Sobre La Extracción DE Dientes Desplazados Al Seno Maxilar
Como todos sabemos, la extracción de dientes es una experiencia muy desagradable, especialmente si a la hora de extracción surgen
Dental Crown Procedure: Step by Step Guide
Nobody really enjoys going to the dentist. So, if you’ve just been told that you have to undergo a dental
¿Cómo comprobar si tiene caries o no?
A la hora de visitar a su dentista, la palabra menos deseada que queremos oír en su repertorio es la
What to Expect During a Dental Implant Procedure?
You’ve finally had that troublesome tooth removed, but now you’re left with a gap in your smile. Should you hide
¿Es El Carbón Adecuado Bueno Para Sus Dientes?
Cuando se trata de la belleza y cuidado de aspecto físico y bienestar de una persona, podríamos decir que en
What Is Laser Dentistry?
Although a lot of people haven’t heard of it, laser dentistry has been around for decades. Lasers have been used
Comida Veraniega Que Debería Comer Para Cuidar Sus Dientes
Ya se nos acerca la época del verano y entre las primeras cosas que se nos ocurren son el mar,
Different Types of Retainers
The big day is finally in sight, your teeth have straightened and your braces are about to come off! And
¿Con QUé Frecuencia Debería Usar El Hilo Dental?
Todos sabemos que la salud oral es algo muy importante y que, a parte de nuestra salud general, también afecta
Difference Between Retainer and Braces
With over 4 million American kids and teens currently receiving some form of orthodontic treatment, there are chances that your
The Pros and Cons of Dental Sealants
Every parent knows the struggle of trying to teach their kids good dental hygiene. So, when you hear about dental
Todo Lo Que Debería Saber Sobre Invisalign
El posicionamiento de dientes adecuado y una mordida armoniosa, junto con la técnica correcta de cepillado de dientes, representan los
4 Different Types Of Braces For Teeth
In the past, braces could easily have been mistaken for some sort of horrendous medieval torture device. And the poor
¿Por QUé Respiración Por La Boca Afecta a Sus Dientes?
¿Alguna vez se ha dado cuenta de que utiliza su boca más que su nariz a la hora de respirar?
Baby Grinding Teeth: Causes and Natural Remedies
Babies start teething anywhere between the age of 6 months and a year, and as any parent can tell you,
5 Mitos Sobre Los Enjuagues Orales
Los enjuagues orales son, sin duda, algo que representa la parte imprescindible del equipamiento dental que ocupa un lugar significante
Gingivitis vs Periodontitis: What Are the Differences?
Periodontitis, periodontal disease, and gum disease all refer to the same thing, a bacterial infection of the mouth which leads
What Is the Best Age for Braces?
Braces, once cause for serious playground taunting, are becoming an even more common feature of life in America. Approximately 4
¿Cómo Resolver El Problema Con Quistes Dentales¿
Cuando un diente empieza a doler es muy probable que una de las causas del dolor puede ser el quiste
How to Repair Tooth Enamel and Can It Grow Back?
As we age, our teeth are subject to wear and tear from regular use, gradually weakening the enamel over time.
Todo Lo Que Debería Saber Antes De Poner Frenos
Si sus dientes están un poco torcidos o su mordida debería ajustarse un poco a su cavidad bucal, ha llegado
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath?
Have you ever noticed how some people are forever obsessing about their breath when there is really nothing wrong with
¿Por Qué Hay Que Hacer Una Limpieza Profunda De Dientes?
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usted realizó una limpieza profunda de dientes? Si no puede acordarse o, si esta
Electric Toothbrush vs. Manual Toothbrush: Which Is Better?
We all know that good oral hygiene, meaning regular brushing and flossing, is the most important step in maintaining healthy
Los Efectos Negativos de Chuparse el Dedo
Desde una edad temprana, los niños buscan formas de calmarse. Los ositos de peluche, su manta favorita, el uso del
Láseres dentales y sus ventajas en odontología
En los últimos veinte años, la tecnología láser ha sido bastante avanzada, por lo que también ha encontrado su amplia
Todo Lo Que Debería Saber Sobre El Cáncer Oral
Una de las regiones del cuerpo humano que también puede ser afectada por el cáncer es la región bucodental. El
¿Qué supone el trabajo de un dentista?
Todos sabemos que ser dentista no es nada fácil y que se trata de una profesión que requiere mucha paciencia
Síndrome De La Boca Seca en La Tercera Edad
Si le parece que su boca últimamente está un poco más seca de lo común, lo más probable es que
Stomatitis and What Is Causing It?
If you’ve ever wondered what is stomatitis, we are here to help you understand this condition better. Stomatitis is a
¿Qué Son Aftas Bucales Y Cómo Vencerlas?
A lo largo de su vida cada uno de nosotros ha tenido la oportunidad de experimentar las molestias que surgen
¿Qué Son Aftas Bucales Y Cómo Vencerlas?
A lo largo de su vida cada uno de nosotros ha tenido la oportunidad de experimentar las molestias que surgen
What to Expect After a Root Canal Treatment?
There are three words that your dentist can say that are guaranteed to make even the bravest of patients blanch
Los Piercings Y La Salud Bucal
Vivimos en un tiempo donde el esteticismo se considera un elemento muy importante de nuestra apariencia, por lo cual la
All About Dental Bone Grafting: Surgery and Recovery
The phrase “dental bone graft surgery” might sound pretty terrifying, but it is actually a fairly common procedure that is
¿Cómo Superar Fobia Al Dentista?
Una consulta al dentista para las muchas personas representa una fobia insuperable: a menudo va acompañada con el temor, tensión
Chipped Tooth: Causes, Symptoms, and Repair
Your teeth are made up of pulp, which contains nerve endings, surrounded by a wall of dentin, and all coated
¿Cuál Es El Momento Ideal Para Cepillarse Los Dientes?
Si alguien le preguntara cuántas veces al día se debería emplear la higiene oral, la mayoría de los encuestados respondería:
How to Deal With Dental Anxiety: Overcoming Fear of Dentist
No matter what they say, nobody likes going to the dentist. And this is perfectly normal because at best it’s
Why Oral Health is Important for Your Overall Health?
It’s needless to say that looking after your teeth, gums, and mouth is pretty important. That’s no secret nor it
Dental Care and Hygiene for Seniors
As dentistry has advanced and oral health education became more widespread, people are keeping their original teeth for longer periods
6 Different Types Of Dentists You Should Know About
Whenever you have to deal with dental problems, such as a moving tooth, caries, or a toothache, the first thing
Ways to Remineralize Teeth Easily
People nowadays are more self-aware than ever, which is a good thing. We are becoming much better at taking a
How Thumb Sucking is Damaging Your Child’s Teeth?
As parents, we are responsible for every aspect of our child’s health and development, which leaves us with a lot
Is Brushing Your Teeth With Baking Soda Safe?
The rise of the Internet and social media has affected our lives in many ways, some very obvious and dramatic
The Effects of Chemotherapy on Teeth
You or someone you know might begin chemotherapy treatment for cancer soon. If that’s the case, you might want to
Why Are Some People Born Without Wisdom Teeth?
Contrary to popular belief, age does not always bring wisdom. Nor does it necessarily bring wisdom teeth. In fact, according
6 Ways to Deal with Sensitive Teeth
Let’s get this one out of the way right at the start: sensitive teeth are no joke! Tooth sensitivity isn’t
5 Reasons Why You Should Brush Your Tongue
There are over 700 species of bacteria that live in your mouth. Because of the bumps and crevices on your
Tips for Your Baby’s First Dental Visit
It’s not a secret, first-time parents often have trouble when it comes to their child’s first visit to the dentist.
What are Pros and Cons of Dental Implants?
Whether we like it or not, tooth loss is a pretty common thing. Aging isn’t the only culprit (according to
Peligros del blanqueamiento dental casero
En los últimos años, y cada vez más, el lucir una sonrisa radiantemente blanca se ha convertido en la prioridad
How to Care for Your Teeth after Tooth Extraction?
Dentistry has, thankfully, come a long way since the days when the only cure for a toothache was the local
Todo lo que debes saber sobre Invisalign, la ortodoncia invisible
La aplicación de ortodoncias es una de las prácticas más comunes en las clínicas o consultorios dentales. La estética juega
Is Oral Sedation Safe for Kids?
s parents, keeping our children safe and healthy is our main concern. That means, among other things, making sure they
What Are the Side Effects of Oral Sedation?
The various sedation techniques used in modern dentistry today have definitely made it a lot easier for patients to sit
Veneers: Types and Precautions
A veneer is a form of dental cosmetic product that protects the surface of discolored or damaged teeth. Dental veneers
Mouth Guard for Teeth Grinding – Is it a Good Solution?
Are you suffering from teeth grinding also known as bruxism? Have you been experiencing headaches in the morning recently because
5 Easy Ways to Stop Gums Bleeding
Although you might think it’s normal to see a bit of pink in the sink when you’re brushing or flossing,
What Soft Foods Should You Eat After Dental Surgery?
While dentistry has come a long way since its early days with procedures becoming a lot more painless and aesthetic
4 Incredible Flossing Teeth Benefits
We all know that flossing your teeth is good for them, and you. It removes any buildup of plaque and
How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?
Usually, when patients finish a session with their dentists, they just want to get as far away as possible from
Teeth Becoming Transparent – What to Do?
Have you looked in the mirror recently and realized your pearly whites are starting to look more of a ghostly
Todo lo que debes saber sobre la diabetes y la salud bucodental
La diabetes afecta a millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Su detección es importante, como también llevar a cabo las
What Causes Mouth Cancer and How to Prevent it?
Mouth cancer refers to a group of malignancies which develop around the oral area of the human body or the
Are Teeth Whitening Strips Safe?
A smile is your calling cardA smile is your calling card, and nobody wants their calling card to look yellow
Ventajas y Desventajas del Cepillo Eléctrico
El cepillo de dientes manual es el más elegido y el más usado. También es el que más variedades presenta
A Brief History and Role of Fluoride in Dental Health
You hear it all the time: “brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day”. If you’re serious about your
How to Remove Tartar from Back of Teeth
We all know that tartar is our teeth’s biggest enemy. Not only does it turn teeth an ugly yellow color,
Beneficios de la irrigación dental
¿Qué sucedería si te dijéramos que la limpieza que se lleva a cabo utilizando el cepillo de dientes logra eliminar
How to Get Rid of Plaque on Your Teeth?
All of us have been there. Feeling that sticky, colorless film which constantly forms on our teeth and gum line.
6 Ways To Naturally Whiten Teeth At Home
We all love to show off our pearly whites. A wide smile speaks of happiness, warmness, leaves a positive impact
Una sonrisa saludable y la buena autoestima
Está comprobado que el cuidado de la salud se refleja en nuestro aspecto físico. Una imagen saludable resulta amigable y
Water Flossing vs. Traditional Flossing – Which is Better?
There is no doubt whatever that flossing your teeth is one of the best ways of preventing the build-up of
How to Naturally Reverse Teeth Cavity?
There is a common misconception that the only way to deal with tooth decay and cavities is by having a
¿Qué sucede cuando faltan piezas dentales?
Cuando se pierden una o varias piezas dentales, la mayor preocupación suele estar relacionada con lo estrictamente estético. E incluso,
Conoce la ortodoncia más invisible del mercado
Cuando la dentadura da muestras de imperfecciones o la mordida no es la adecuada coinciden dos situaciones que son poco
What to Do with a Cracked Tooth?
While maintaining proper dental health is by no means rocket science, there are certain situations when serious problems can appear
Implantes a mitad de precio en el Mes de la Mujer
Muchas veces, por diversas cuestiones, el reemplazo de una o más piezas dentales es imprescindible e inevitable. Ante este escenario,
How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?
Dental procedures and surgeries can cause stress for some patients, even just the thought of the dentist. Some of us
Causas y consecuencias del bruxismo
Si sientes molestias en tu mandíbula al despertar, o notas tus dientes desgastados o tienes dolores de cabeza, podrías estar
Give Yourself the Smile You’ve Always Wanted
If you are like me, then you probably think that your teeth could stand to be a bit whiter than
How Smoking Affects Your Teeth?
In this day and age, very few people, not even smokers, would try to deny that smoking is an extremely
Wisdom Teeth Removal Preparation
Whether local anesthesia or full sedation is used, wisdom teeth removal is something to prepare for. Like all oral surgeries,
Las bebidas alcohólicas y su efecto en nuestros dientes
Los hábitos tienen efectos sobre toda nuestra vida, y la salud oral no es la excepción. En épocas de celebraciones
Vitamin C, Calcium, and Oral Health
Eating a variety of nutritious food is good for your overall health, including your oral health. Some vitamins in particular,
Holiday Tips for Your Healthy Smile
The holiday season is here. Regardless of what you celebrate, the food, drinks, and desserts are plentiful. This time of
What to Expect with Wisdom Teeth Removal
We will go to great lengths to attain the best smile possible. Perhaps one of the most common dental procedures
Staying Cavity Free At Holiday Time
The holidays are approaching and so are everyone’s favorite traditions, many of which involve festive parties and feasts. The holidays
6 Ways to Keep Your Smile Bright This Holiday Season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year – but not always for your teeth. Get smile-friendly stocking stuffer ideas,
7 Supercool Dental Tools
If your kid’s not into brushing or flossing, these new oral hygiene must-haves may change all that. Be honest: Are
How Mouthguard Can Protect Your Teeth
Our Doral dentists consistently treat oral injuries that could have easily been prevented by wearing a mouth guard. In fact,
Giving Up Sugar: Tips And Tricks
Thanksgiving pies, holiday gingerbread houses, Valentine’s Day chocolates … the series of festive sweet treats seems to go on all
Bad Breath: 6 Causes (and 7 Solutions)
If you’ve ever gotten that not-so-fresh feeling on a date, at a job interview or just talking with friends, you’re
8 Tips to Help Kids Overcome Fear of Dentists
Is your child scared of going to the dentist? Follow this advice to help your little one relax before the
Is Your Thanksgiving Feast Good for Your Teeth?
Are Turkey Day staples good for your teeth? Find out which foods to sink your teeth into. Are Turkey Day
Alimentos para encías y dientes súper fuertes
Mantener las encías y los dientes sanos requiere ciertos cuidados diarios que nos permitirán sostener en el tiempo una sonrisa
Halloween Costume Tricks for Teeth Protection
When you hear about Halloween teeth, you most likely picture cavities caused by eating too much trick-or-treat candy. While you
12 Tips for a Healthy Halloween
Halloween is around the corner, which for most children means bags of free candy and a chance to build a stockpile
Halloween Candy: Your Dental Health Survival Guide
With Halloween comes ghosts, goblins and goodies—and the sugar in those treats can play some unwanted tricks on your teeth
El 40% de la higiene bucal depende de la limpieza interdental
La limpieza de nuestros dientes es fundamental para evitar problemas y el deterioro de las piezas dentales. Si bien existen
Oral Health In Children As They Become Teenagers
There are several concerns regarding oral health in children as they transition into and continue through their teenage years. They
Make oral hygiene part of your kids’ back-to-school routine
The beginning of a new school year is a perfect time to brush up on your kids’ oral hygiene and
Why Inflammation in Your Mouth May Raise Your Risk of Cancer
Women with gum disease are 14% more likely to develop cancer than those with healthy teeth and gums, according to
Is Flossing Hard? Interdental Brushes May Be The Answer
Cleaning in between teeth and around gums is important if you want to maintain a healthy mouth. Many people use
How to clean your retainer: Eight helpful tips
A soft-bristled toothbrush should be used when brushing the retainer and it should be removed and rinsed after. Most people
La importancia de la odontología preventiva
Evitar muchos problemas de salud es posible gracias a la medicina preventiva. Lo mismo sucede con la odontología desde la
Types of Sedation Dentistry to Help Reduce Anxiety
Going to the dentist is a vitally important preventative healthcare habit that you should make a routine of. By getting
¿Cuál es la pasta dental más adecuada?
A la hora de elegir una pasta dental nos vemos ante cientos de ofertas en cuanto a la composición y
Dental Care and Pregnancy
It’s important for you to take good care of your teeth and gums while pregnant. Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that
How To Survive The ‘Losing First Tooth’ Milestone Healthily
Every child responds differently to the “losing first tooth” rite of passage; some are excited for the tooth fairy’s first
Braces Have Changed, From Metal to Tooth-Colored to Clear
Your dentist tells you that you need braces, bringing back not-so-fond memories of kids being called “Metal Mouth.” Take heart.
The Advantages over Braces
While the results may appear the same—a confident, beautiful smile—when you stop and actually compare Invisalign® to other teeth-straightening options,
5 Things Every Family Should Know About Dental Health
Use toothpaste with fluoride for infants and children For children younger than 3 years, you should begin brushing a child’s
Dry Mouth: Causes, Remedies, and Treatments
Dry mouth is a daily problem that makes you feel uncomfortable while you swallow, eat or speak. It is a
Doral Sedation & Family Dentistry 10 Year Anniversary
Ten years is more than enough reason for celebration! Come and join us at 2nd location, Doral Sedation & Family
La sensibilidad dental: el problema más frecuente
La sensibilidad dental es un problema, además de molesto, también muy frecuente. Las causas que llevan a que esto suceda
Is It Safe To Go To the Dentist During Pregnancy?
In between trips to the doctor, hospital tours and setting up the nursery, don’t let visiting the dentist fall off
More than Sore Gums: The Signs and Symptoms of Gingivitis
We tend to spend a lot of time focused on what our teeth look like, but not necessarily on our
Healthy Foods List: Seven Best Foods For Your Teeth
When it comes to the health of your teeth, you really are what you eat. Sugary foods, such as candy
What Is A Black Hairy Tongue?
A black hairy tongue is a temporary and harmless condition that is often caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in
Finding A Family Dentist That You And Your Kids Love
Finding the right family dentist for you and your kids is a key part of ensuring great oral care for
Your Oral Health Care Plan
Good oral health involves more than just brushing. To keep your teeth and mouth healthy for a lifetime of use,
Anesthesia and Sedation
Several medications are available to help create more relaxed, comfortable dental visits. Some drugs control pain, some help you relax,
The Truth About Sugary Drinks and Your Smile
Sweetened beverages have become a treat that many Americans have every day. The truth is that these drinks are not
Sensitive Teeth
Is the taste of ice cream or a sip of hot coffee sometimes a painful experience for you? Does brushing
Dental Implants, Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers: 8 Tips from Prosthodontists to Avoid Failures, Backed
It’s National Prosthodontics Awareness Week (NPAW)! Celebrate by Learning 8 “Smile Saving” Tips Patients want power. Prosthodontists want them to
Why Do We Grind Our Teeth?
Teeth grinding is a common, unintentional habit in both kids and adults. If you’ve ever woken up with a jaw
History of Dental Veneers
What are porcelain veneers? Porcelain veneers are one of the common solutions in cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are thin shells made
Get a New Smile with Full Mouth Restoration
Full mouth restoration with Doral Family Dentistry is an excellent way to remedy a variety of oral deficiencies and setbacks
Pain Free Dentistry with Doral Dentists
Fear of pain is the most influential deterrent to patients in need of dental services. Anxiety is often so great
¿Qué Es La “Profilaxis Dental”?
Cuando hablamos de limpieza dental podemos estar abarcando distintas etapas de la misma. Una de ellas es la que llevamos
5 Reasons To Smile More With Doral Sedation Dentistry
Dental hygiene services aren’t just a way to get you in the dentist’s chair for a lecture on flossing on
Dental Conditions and Treatments You Should Be Aware Of
Everybody gets a sweet tooth every now and then, but not a lot of people deal with repercussions of frequent sugar coating
Do You Need a Dental Crown?
Depending on age, health, and experiences that might have led to injury, teeth often require care more significant than increased
Where to Take the Family in Doral
With so many fun things to do in Doral, we suggest planning the to-do list early on this year! Below,
Achieving the Perfect Smile is Easy with Cosmetic Dentistry
Having a smile that you can be proud of can evoke an unwavering sense of confidence that can have a
¿Cómo elegir el mejor enjuague bucal?
Nuestra rutina diaria de limpieza bucal consiste en varios pasos, entre ellos, se ha establecido como una muy común costumbre
Can Wisdom Teeth Cause TMJ?
When you hear that little popping in your jaw, you know you are in for a battle with pain. Sometimes,
Halitosis ¿Se puede evitar y curar?
La halitosis o mal aliento es un problema muy importante para aquellas personas que lo sufren, ya que conlleva desde
Guía rápida sobre la ortodoncia en adultos
Lo que antes parecía cosa de niños, de a poco fue volviéndose una cuestión normal entre adultos. La ortodoncia, que
Come and Visit our New Dentistry in Doral
Doral Sedation Family Dentistry provides all of the services essential to keeping you and your family in tip-top oral health. Whether
Bacteria is the Real Cause of Dental Caries
An apple a day keeps the dentist and doctor away is a saying that most Millennials and Baby Boomers have
Dental Prophylaxis, or Deep Cleaning, is Routine
While dental prophylaxis sounds like a scary and painful procedure, if you have been to the dentist you have already
How Did Invisalign Come to Be?
Someone’s smile is perhaps the aspect of a person that most individuals notice first. Whether it is a job interview
La importancia de visitar al dentista regularmente
La higiene ha sido siempre una aliada indiscutida de la buena salud. Por eso, es imprescindible e importante mantener una
Doral Sedation Family Dentistry is Now Open!
We’re very excited to officially announce that we have opened our new Dental Practice here in Doral. While making our
Everything You Need to Know About Nitrous Oxide in Dentistry
Nitrous oxide sedation is one of the most common ways to sedate patients during cosmetic procedures like work on toothaches
What are Lava Crowns and Bridges?
Lava crowns and bridges are commonly used in tooth restoration. But you are likely more familiar with these two names
Dental Cavities – When to get things fixed
If you visited the dentist only to find out your dental caries require fillings, here’s all the info you need
The Importance of Regular Dental Visits
Routine dental care is a significant part of a good oral health. There are millions and millions of harmful particles
Are Dental X-Ray Safe?
If you’ve ever had a dental x-ray, you’ll know it’s not the most relaxing of procedures (‘and what dental procedure